

  • 浏览次数:
  • 日期:2020-09-30

【概要描述】日前,世界知识产权组织(产权组织)推出了WIPO Lex-Judgments,这是一个新的数据库,可以免费查阅世界各地与知识产权法有关的主要司法判决。


【概要描述】日前,世界知识产权组织(产权组织)推出了WIPO Lex-Judgments,这是一个新的数据库,可以免费查阅世界各地与知识产权法有关的主要司法判决。

  • 浏览次数:
  • 日期:2020-09-30

  日前,世界知识产权组织(产权组织)推出了WIPO Lex-Judgments,这是一个新的数据库,可以免费查阅世界各地与知识产权法有关的主要司法判决。

  Recently, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) launched WIPO Lex-Judgments, a new database providing free-of-charge access to leading judicial decisions related to IP law from around the world.


  As technological innovation often outpaces the ability of legislatures and governments to create new rules and regulations, courts across the world are increasingly facing common issues of a highly sophisticated nature.


  WIPO-Lex Judgments提供由参与成员国的相关主管部门精心挑选的判决书,由此帮助人们更全面地了解法院会如何处理这些问题。这些判决书为其管辖范围内的知识产权法确立了先例或作出了令人信服的解释。WIPO Lex-Judgments在推出时收录了来自10个国家的400多份文件。

  WIPO-Lex Judgments contributes to a greater overall understanding of how courts are handling these issues, by making available judgments - selectively curated by the relevant authorities in participating member states - that establish precedent or offer a persuasive interpretation of IP law in their jurisdiction. At launch, WIPO Lex-Judgments contained over 400 documents from 10 countries.

  通过促进司法判决信息的可及性,WIPO Lex-Judgments有助于为法院的分析和推理提供信息,并加强这种分析和推理,同时也有助于辨别各国在处理普遍的知识产权问题时采取的趋同和对比方法。

  By fostering accessibility of information on judicial decisions, WIPO Lex-Judgments will contribute to informing and strengthening courts’ analyses and reasoning, as well as to discerning both converging and contrasting national approaches to common IP questions.

  此外,WIPO Lex-Judgments还提供有关参与成员国在知识产权争议方面的司法结构的信息。用户能够以此了解包括普通法院和专门法院在内的各种结构,履行准司法职能的行政实体,以及它们在技术上应对知识产权争议时的各种特点。

  In addition, WIPO Lex-Judgments provides information on the judicial structures for IP disputes in participating member states. This allows users to appreciate the spectrum of structures that include generalist and specialist courts, as well as administrative entities that carry out quasi-judicial functions, and their diverse features that respond to the technical nature of IP disputes.

  WIPO Lex-Judgments不仅可能对法官有用,而且对政策制定者、律师和学术界也大有帮助。在法院努力提高知识产权裁决的一致性、有效性和可及性的同时,WIPO Lex-Judgments能够帮助使用者更好地了解法院如何处理知识产权纠纷的复杂性和艰巨性。

  WIPO Lex-Judgments may be useful not only to judges but also to policy makers, attorneys and academia, and contribute to a better understanding of how courts address the complex and demanding nature of IP disputes, as they endeavor to make IP adjudication more coherent, effective and accessible.

  WIPO Lex-Judgments进一步巩固了WIPO Lex提供的内容,WIPO-Lex则是产权组织用于全面收录全球知识产权法律和条约的一个门户网站。

  WIPO Lex-Judgments further enhances the offerings of WIPO Lex, which is the Organization’s portal to a comprehensive global collection of IP laws and treaties.


  关于WIPO Lex-Judgments


  Recognizing the increasingly transnational character of IP dispute resolution and the demand among national judges for dialogue with their peers across jurisdictions, in 2018, WIPO initiated a new focus on the judicial administration of IP. The activities are coordinated by the WIPO Judicial Institute, to help judges from around the world share experiences on the common challenges they face, to deliver targeted capacity building activities, and to increase the availability of information about IP and courts.


  什么是WIPO Lex-Judgments?

  WIPO Lex-Judgments是对众多成员国(最初是拉丁美洲、加勒比地区和西班牙)所表达的需求的直接回应,这些国家希望有一种资源能够就知识产权司法系统和判决的信息和数据,在国际层面提高其可得性和可及性。

  WIPO Lex-Judgments is a direct response to the needs expressed by numerous member states, initially from the Latin America and the Caribbean region (LAC region) and Spain, for a resource that improves the availability of and access to information and data on judicial systems and decisions on IP at the international level.


  WIPO Lex-Judgments能做什么?

  通过WIPO Lex-Judgments,可以查阅各成员国法院或其他国家主管部门因其重大影响或先例价值而直接选定的主要司法判决。该数据库收录了所有已编目的判决书的可检索书目详情,其中包括客体、发布机构、程序类型、相关立法、关键词和摘要,以及判决书原文的全文。由于WIPO Lex-Judgments集成到了WIPO Lex,因此还可以针对判决中引用的国家法律和国际条约,与WIPO Lex中所载的国家法律和国际条约进行交叉引用。

  WIPO Lex-Judgments provides access to judicial decisions that have been selected directly by the courts or other national authorities of each member state as leading decisions due to their significant impact or precedential value. The database captures searchable, bibliographic details for all indexed judgments, which include subject matter, issuing authority, type of proceeding, relevant legislation, keyword and summary, as well as the full text of the judgment in its original language. As it is integrated with WIPO Lex, WIPO Lex-Judgments also enables cross-references to national laws and international treaties referenced in the decision, as contained in WIPO Lex.


  Furthermore, each member state page provides an overview of its adjudication structures for IP disputes, outlining relevant features of the administrative and judicial procedures, IP case statistics and links to national online databases of judgments.


  WIPO Lex-Judgments提供中文吗?

  WIPO Lex-Judgments界面提供中文、阿拉伯文、俄文、法文、西班牙文和英文,并通过自动机器翻译工具(如WIPO Translate),加强了对国外知识产权判决文本的全球访问。

  The WIPO Lex-Judgments interface is available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish, and enhances global access to the text of foreign IP judgments through the availability of automatic machine translation tools, including WIPO Translate.

  WIPO Lex-Judgments在最初10个国家的参与下启动,随着每一个新参与成员国的判决书的增加,它将继续发展,并通过更新来改进搜索、筛选和机器翻译功能。

  Launched with the participation of an initial group of 10 countries, WIPO Lex-Judgments will continue to grow with the addition of judgments from every new participating member state, and to improve with updates to enhance its search and filtering, as well as machine translation, functions.


  Member states interested in contributing leading decisions from their courts to this global repository are invited to contact WIPO-Lex via the Website of WIPO.

  • 所属类别: 行业动态
  • 该资讯的关键词为:
  • 北京律诚同业知识产权代理有限公司

    版权所有:北京律诚同业知识产权代理有限公司         网站建设:中企动力北二分         京ICP备09099344号-1


    版权所有:北京律诚同业知识产权代理有限公司         网站建设:中企动力北二分         京ICP备09099344号-1